Folka Voca Choir Gig History 2010

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Starting in the spring of 2009, it was decided that every six weeks or so we would replace the regular rehearsal with a performance rehearsal at a worthy venue such as an assisted living facility. Because these performance rehearsals will be at the regular rehearsal time on the regular rehearsal day, we hope to have an effectively full turnout.

Julie Fletcher kindly agreed to undertake the task of organizing these gigs. If you have any ideas for a possible booking, please feel free to contact Julie. When you do, please provide her with a name and a telephone number for the appropriate contact person, as well as the identity and address of the possible venue.

Note: it has to be the regular rehearsal timing, or reasonably close to it – starting at 7 p.m. if possible. Also, although we will perform for free if push comes to shove, we would much prefer that the venue contribute a small honorarium from their entertainment budget. The choir does not make a profit, and all monies go to defraying the expenses that the Ottawa Folklore Centre incurs to keep us going. If the event is a fundraiser, we always require an honorarium.

Index of 2010 Historical Gigs

Wednesday December 15th, 2010: our traditional December performance
of music and Christmas carols at the Camilla Gardens,
followed by our annual Christmas get-together at the Barley Mow.

Thursday November 25th, 2010 at the Museum of Nature,
arriving at 6:00 for a performance at 6:30.

Wednesday November 17th, 2010: a single set at the Bridlewood Retirement Residence,
550 Wilbrod Street (behind the Russian Embassy in Sandy Hill).

Weekend of September 17th – 19th, 2010: a Concert with Cantarra.
This concert was cancelled.

Friday August 13th, 2010 at 6:00 p.m. – the Ottawa Folk Fest at Britannia Park.

Saturday April 24th, 2010 at 7:30 p.m. – Annual Concert
at the Wesleyan Church, Sunnyside Drive (our regular rehearsal venue).

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Christmas Carols at Camilla Gardens

Wednesday December 15th, 7 p.m. at the Camilla Gardens Retirement Residence,
1119 Bathgate Drive, Gloucester, ON K1J 9N4. Aim to be there for no later than 6:45 p.m.

Folks, there is a seniors home in the east end, Camilla Gardens, that loves to have us perform for them. These are seniors without family; it means a lot to them that we’re coming. It’s very casual.

Parking is extremely limited, so Lee suggests as many folks as possible car-pool over there.
If there is someone who can’t get a ride, let Lee know
and she’ll see what she can do to make it happen.

Here is a map to the Camilla Gardens Retirement Residence: Google map ( PDF )

Dress is casual.

Before the carols we will be singing a short set of the following songs, in the order listed.

  1. La Isla Bonita
  2. Ain’t No Sunshine
  3. Drive My Car
  4. Crystal
  5. Papa Was A Rolling Stone
  6. Mamma Mia
  7. Calling All Angels

Lee has now produced a cleaned up version of the Christmas Carol lyrics in the order
that we are going to sing them, so do check the resources page for this new version.
If you can, take the time to print an extra copy for a resident to use at the sing-along.

Lee writes, “Hopefully Don and Julie will do Lassie with me as well.
Char is doing her play at the Gladstone so won’t be with us, boo!”

“The Sunday Xmas class will be doing 5 songs first, then we’ll do our songs,
and then we’ll do the sing-a-long with the residents.
The singing begins at 7, but please arrive around 6:30-6:45.
If you show up after the Sunday group has begun, please wait in the back
so you don’t disrupt their performance.”

After the gig, we will be returning to the Barley Mow
for our annual Christmas get-together, starting around 8:30 p.m.
If you are planning on attending, please let Lynnie Zunder know, and give her $10 (per head!) to cover the cost of the great food that the Barley Mow produces for us. Lynnie needs to know as soon as possible so that she can give the Barley Mow a reasonably accurate headcount.

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Performance at the Museum of Nature

Thursday November 25th at the Museum of Nature, which is on McLeod Street.
Arrive by 6:00 to warm up and get ourselves together for the performance at 6:30.

Warning: Parking in the neighbourhood can be difficult,
and Lee has only five complimentary parking passes, so leave yourselves plenty of time
to be at the main entrance by 6:30, or be prepared to pay for museum parking.

Dress is concert formal, so please check out the notes for concert performances.

Songs we will be singing, in performance order, are:

  1. Both Sides Now
  2. Last Train to Clarksville
  3. La Isla Bonita
  4. Ain’t No Sunshine
  5. Drive My Car
  6. Crystal
  7. Time After Time
  8. Houdini’s Box
  9. Papa Was A Rolling Stone
  10. Mamma Mia
  11. Knowing Me, Knowing You
  12. Calling All Angels

The performance went well and was a lot of fun. Here's what Lee had to say about it: “Hello Fab Ones; last night was fabulous! Truly magical. Well done!!! The sound was incredible, and you all were on fire. So sorry all the sickies couldn’t make it, but thanks for keeping the germs away.”

Museum of Nature November 2010 - Choir Photo 1
Museum of Nature November 2010 - Choir Photo 1.

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Rehearsal Performance

Wednesday November 17th at the Bridlewood Retirement Residence,
550 Wilbrod Street (behind the Russian Embassy in Sandy Hill).
Arrive by 6:30 for a warm up; performance from 7:00 to 7:45-ish.

Note: The full name of this residence is
Bridlewood Retirement Residence – Chartwell Classic Rideau Place on-the-River.
The wrong residence was previously linked, for which many apologies.

Warning: Parking in the neighbourhood can be difficult,
so leave yourselves plenty of time to be at the main entrance by 6:30.

Dress is casual, i.e. does not have to be regular choir performance outfit,
but dark bottoms (no jeans), solid coloured tops, and bling.

Songs we will most probably be singing, in no particular order:

  1. La Isla Bonita
  2. Ain’t No Sunshine
  3. Crystal
  4. Mamma Mia
  5. Drive My Car
  6. Papa Was A Rolling Stone
  7. Rock the Boat
  8. Time After Time
  9. Calling All Angels
  10. Both Sides Now
  11. Houdini’s Box
  12. Last Train to Clarksville
  13. Knowing Me, Knowing You

After the performance we will return to Sunnyside for a regular second half rehearsal.

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Concert with Cantarra

Lee says, “Hello Fab Ones; just wanted to let you know that the OFC couldn’t get the venue together in time for the Cantarra/Folka Voca gig the weekend of September 19th.
We’ll probably do it next fall; one of Cantarra’s singers will be out of town for the winter, so we must wait for her return...

Lee says, “Just a heads up; Folka Voca is doing a concert with my professional group Cantarra on the weekend of September the 17th to 19th – actual day still to be determined. Fun times, People!” We will be singing a single set from our current repertoire.

Confirmation of the concert day (almost certainly Sunday the 19th)
and further details in due course.

Dress is the regular choir performance outfit – bright, solid coloured tops, dark bottoms and shoes, plus bling.

Also, please take a moment or two to peruse all the notes on performance participation.

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Ottawa Folk Fest

We have been asked to perform at the Ottawa Folk Festival, August 13th. We’ll be singing
O Canada on the main stage, opening the festival with Arthur McGregor, owner of the OFC.
We will also be singing Papa Was A Rolling Stone, which Lee wants us to sing without scores.

Lee says, “Fab Ones, so far it looks like we’re to arrive around 5-ish on Friday at Britannia Park. The show begins with Folka Voca and Arthur McGregor at 6 pm.
I’m getting more details from The Powers That Be in the next day or two,
but that’s the rough sketch. I’ll have day passes for everyone.

From Lee, “Hi Fab Ones; this just in from Dylan; To get on site, choir members should identify themselves as members of Folka Voca at VIP check-in to be issued passes for the night.
If everyone can assemble on the grass behind the OFC tent by 5:30pm, we’ll then take
the group backstage. Albert Dumont will perform his blessing at 6:00pm, and then
you’ll go on at approximately 6:15.

Dress is the regular choir performance outfit – bright, solid coloured tops, dark bottoms and shoes, plus bling. Because it is the Folk Fest, Lee says that jeans and even shorts are OK.

Also, please take a moment or two to peruse all the notes on performance participation.

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Folka Voca Annual Concert

Saturday April 24th, at 7:30 p.m. at the Sunnyside Wesleyan church
(our regular rehearsal venue).
Aim to be there by 6:30 p.m. at the absolute latest for warm-up and last minute instructions,
unless you have been assigned tasks that require you to show up earlier.

Dress is the regular choir performance outfit –
bright, solid coloured tops, dark bottoms and shoes, plus bling.
Also, please take a moment or two to peruse all the notes on performance participation.

Here is the programme for the concert, so please put your music in order in a folder you can hold comfortably. These should be the focus of your homework between now and then.

Set One

Tango for Redemption opens with 3 songs

  1. Fields of Gold
  2. Knowing Me, Knowing You
  3. Both Sides Now
  4. Kimbieni
  5. Houdini’s Box
  6. Drive My Car
  7. Papa Was A Rolling Stone

Set Two

Attendance awards

Las Schvigglers opens with 2 songs

  1. Last Train to Clarksville
  2. Time After Time
  3. I Wear My Sunglasses At Night
  4. Crystal
  5. Mamma Mia
  6. Calling All Angels

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Last Updated: 16th of December, 2010.
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